The Forgiveness Process

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The Forgiveness Process MP3

The Forgiveness Statement
  • I willingly forgive myself for any and all, actual or perceived, hurt or harm I may have caused myself or any others; or that any others have caused me or any others with _(Fill in the feeling, frequency, energy that you are feeling towards the other person)_ and everything it represents.
  • I willingly love and forgive myself.
  • I willingly love and forgive all others.
  • All others willingly love and forgive me.
  • I willingly love and forgive God/Source.
  • God/Source willingly loves and forgives me.
  • I willingly love and forgive my Quantum Source-Light Highest Self.
  • My Quantum Source-Light Highest Self willingly loves and forgives me.
  • I am absolutely, ultimately, infinitely, quantumly loved and forgiven.
  • I now willingly release all ___________ and everything it represents, and go in peace, love, joy, harmony, health, wealth and abundance.
~ Michelle Manning-Kogler
   Channeled from SPIRIT

Recently, I was shown that staying in a state of unforgiveness was holding on to and creating more karma.  Not just our karma – but also the karma of the other person we are choosing not to forgive!  For me, that was all the impetus I needed to begin forgiving everyone.  

It’s not always an easy process.  Sometimes the pain of betrayal, abuse and other very negative life circumstances is overwhelming.  The burden is intense.  We are so incredibly hurt by another’s actions we don’t know how to let it go.

The stress of holding on to bitterness and unforgiveness will eventually erode every aspect of your life if left to fester.  And ultimately, it will show up as some type of disease process in your physical body.

This process, if used daily, will build your “forgiveness muscles” and bring you profound peace of mind, body and soul.  

Forgiveness is a misunderstood practice for most people.  Forgiveness is not condoning harmful behavior, not is it allowing others – or ourselves - to continue to emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritual abuse us.  Many times, we must physically withdraw ourselves from situations or relationships in order to stop the abusive, painful behaviors.

Forgiveness is the willingness to define what we have perceived or experienced as harmful, and to acknowledge we may have had a part in that harm at some level.  (Remember we are multi-dimensional beings and that this life that we are currently living is a tiny fraction of what we are actually living as a Soul-Being. So an apparent random event may have its roots in a very distant existence.)  

When we also acknowledge that others have their role to play in the situation – either as the person being harmed or the person causing the harm.  Forgiveness is not about blame and shame.  It is about freedom.

Forgiveness is drawing that energetic line in the sand and saying, “I acknowledge that there has been some type of harm, either perceived or actual.  I no longer want to continue in this energetic exchange. So, I am choosing to eliminate whatever bonds are binding us together.  By allowing me to withdraw all my energy from you and allowing you to withdraw all your energy from me, we will then no longer have a negative interaction and we can each begin a healing process.  I take responsibility for my part in this and take back my part of this exchange.  You take responsibility for your part and take back your part of the exchange.  God/Source takes back Its/His/Her part in this whole exchange. And my Highest Self takes back it’s part, as well.  The negative charge between us all is completely resolved, and we can now easily go our own separate ways in Peace, Love and Harmony.”

When said in its entirety and with a willingness and intent to release the energetic binds that cause pain, this statement can clear and void vows, contracts, commitments, etc., that a person has made in all life-times and existences with others and will all circumstances.  It can help clear out generational vows (i.e., the tribal vows that perpetuate conflict between groups of peoples in war-torn areas of the world, as well as personal grievances, vendettas and vows we have made ourselves.)  And it can help clear out any energies we may be holding for others, that are not ours to hold onto.  

These statements allow us to take back our personal power, release victimization, and regain mastery over all aspects of our lives and existences.  It energetically allows us to feel forgiveness that we may have been denied by others, causing self-punishment.  The statements make/allow us to be responsible for our part in any given situation and it makes/allows others to be responsible for their own stuff, as well.  By releasing perceived hurt and harm and applying forgiveness, we release the energetic hold others have had on us and that we’ve allow ourselves to maintain.  

If we, indeed, are God/Goddess Spark – that Divine Core Spark that Resides Within - and the whole world is our “stage”, then we have the power, through our words and intent to change the landscape of our “stage”.  We can find and/or create Peace within so that we no longer attract to us the same energies, events, people, etc., that cause us continued pain.   As Masters, we have the responsibility to ourselves, our families and our communities to model peace from within, to continue to forgive ourselves and others, and lead peace-filled lives so that others can then learn how to live peacefully.  The Journey begins with (and within) us, as individuals, and spreads outwards throughout the world.

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Meet Michelle Manning-Kogler

Michelle Manning-Kogler is a world renowned Transformational Healer, Motivational Speaker, Certified High Performance Coach, and Author of Quantum Soul Clearing - Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul.   She is the Founder of the Quantum Soul Clearing Processes ™, a spiritual technology that helps people eliminate the emotional pain from the past and create powerful new ways of living joyously and prosperously.

For almost 30 years, Michelle has practiced in the fields of Energy Medicine, Holistic Health, Meditation, and Distance Healing.  She holds several professional certifications in Energy Medicine healing methods, nutrition, herbal medicine, and kinesiology.

Michelle’s coaching services are designed to help overwhelmed, burned out entrepreneurs and small business owners release the stress and hidden belief systems that are draining their energy, enthusiasm and joy for life and work.  By understanding and eliminating old, outdated belief systems and inaccurate inner stories that are sabotaging her client’s productivity and success, Michelle helps her clients ultimately create and experience empowered, juicy lives and fall in love with their businesses again, so they can revolutionize the world.

Her private and group programs are a customized blend of her multiple intuitive and healing skills, while also utilizing practical, powerful, High Performance Coaching principles and practices.  Michelle ultimately helps her clients ignite their infinite potential in their chosen fields of work and service and ignite emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and financial health and well-being, to create balance, wholeness, self-awareness and empowerment.

Her work brings practical and uplifting tools and messages of hope, healing, and transformation to ignite human potential and evolution in the world.

(c) Copyright 2018 | Michelle Manning-Kogler |